Significant Projects

SNA Significant Projects

Planning & Design for entitlement/approval:

These projects required site inventories of tree resources and/or impact assessment, mitigation evaluations.

• City of Plymouth – Waste Water Treatment Plant Expansion; Consulting Arborist
from planning to development of construction design, including identification and
inventory of protected trees and possible construction impacts.

• Carpenter Ranch Project, City of Folsom; Consulting Arborist Services including
identification, inventory and evaluation of approximately 4,000 protected trees

• Gencorp Real Estate, Westborough and Easton Projects, City of Rancho Cordova
and County of Sacramento; Consulting Arborist Services including identification,
inventory and evaluation of approximately 30,000 protected trees

• Elliott Homes, Rio Del Oro Project, City of Rancho Cordova; Consulting Arborist
Services including identification, inventory and evaluation of approximately 10,000
protected trees

• City of Citrus Heights/Kasl Consulting Engineers, Antelope Road Improvement
Project; Consulting Arborist for road widening and sidewalk improvement project.
Tasks included inventory and evaluation of protected trees, review of improvement plans,
assessment of construction impacts from proposed improvements and recommendations
for mitigation as requested by the City of Citrus Heights


Project Arborist Services:

Monitoring of Tree Removals, construction encroachment, tree maintenance, mitigation/restoration construction monitoring, certifications of compliance.

• MWH/Lower Northwest Interceptor Pipeline Project, Sacramento; Project Arborist
for sanitary sewer/interceptor design from planning stages through construction, including
review of right-of-way easement for project implementation, identification and inventory
of protected trees, and compilation of impact assessment and tree preservation

• Jones and Stokes, Barton Road/Miners Ravine Bridge Replacement Project;
Consulting Arborist from planning to development of construction design, including
identification and inventory of protected trees and possible construction impacts.

• Dry Creek/West Placer CFD, Roseville; Project Arborist for capital improvement and
back-bone infrastructure project, including gravity sewer, sewer force main, recycle water
and water line construction, monitoring of construction activities and tree preservation.

• Sacramento Regional Transit, Light Rail Project; Project Arborist from planning
stages currently through construction, including all aspects of project development and
infrastructure construction.


Edwin Stirtz is an ISA Certified Arborist #WE0510A and has maintained this credential since August of 1989. Mr. Stirtz is also a member of the ISA and a member of the American Society of Consulting Arborists. Mr. Stirtz has a diverse and varied background with a number of complimentary experiences including 12 years Federal & Municipal Parks and Landscape Maintenance and Construction, 22 years Commercial Arboriculture with resource management and forestry components.


Sierra Nevada Arborists carries both Commercial General Liability Insurance as well as Professional Liability Insurance and is happy to provide certificates upon request.

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